
Circular Quay is quite pretty, spend a weekend walking around the place if you haven't already. =)


Neat, they've updated blogger. I should be getting a powerbook, and a LCD screen. Later we'll be getting a 23" LCD. =)


Still no gmail invite =(

Having fun with my PhD though, just getting set up, and thinking about what computer I should be buying, maybe a desktop, another laptop, or just more toys of my current laptop. =0


Went to CeBIT today, it was interesting, its been a while since I've seen a large tape unit, the one we say today had cloes to 500 TB of storage!


I've been home now for about two weeks from my last trip, now starting to work on my PhD seriously. Hmm.. maybe I'll write more later. =) In the mean time you can look at some photos here - http://www.imagestation.com/album/?id=4287079005